Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fire rages at UNILAG Faculty of Science

Fire fighters are currently making efforts to put out the fire
An early morning fire, which started in the Faculty of Science, University of Lagos (Unilag) is still raging.
Uncertain as to how the fire started, some eyewitnesses say the fire erupted from one of the offices located in the department of physics and spread to other offices.
The Lagos State Fire Service was at the scene trying to put a stop to the fire, and as at press time, reports had it that the Federal Fire Service had also arrived.
Unilag students are however angry with the school's Fire Service, as they were the last to get to the fire scene.
It will be recalled that about 2 weeks ago, another fire raged for 120 minutes, claiming a car in a university. The campus cab burnt to ashes without rescue from the fire service on campus while bystanders prevented the driver of the burning car from re-entering the burning vehicle which he said he got on hire purchase.



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